
 Theophile’s Words

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Hélène Peyret

Hélène Peyret

Videos on Hélène Peyret from April 2013 and visioconference of 10 April 2021Visioconference Through regular meetings over many years, Hélène and Patrick have developed a deep bond and complicity. To enable us to get to know the "Babuji scribe", as she defined herself,...

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Conferences on The Heart in all his states

Conferences on The Heart in all his states

ThemeResearch on divine science Videos of the visioconferences The Heart in all his states of 2o june,  5 july and 14 november 2020The Heart in all his statesThis conference takes us into the depths of the heart and allows us to experience its different levels. Embark...

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The Heart in all its states

The Heart in all its states

Transcription of the visioconference The Heart in all its states, Saturday 20 june 2020.   Depths of the heart Last time I gave a lecture on uniqueness (tawhid) and this time I wanted to go a little more in the direction of the heart, the heart in all its states....

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The river and the Ocean (clip)

The river and the Ocean (clip)

The river’s consciousness has become oceanic. It is at once river, Ocean and streams… It is Water. Audio-visual editing based on the text The river and the Ocean. Original text        The river and the Ocean  

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Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, Part 2

Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, Part 2

Transcription of the visioconference, Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulness, Sunday 17 may 2020, second part.In Sufism, reference is made to qalb, the heart, and then to ruh, the mind, that will come in a second stage. As we advance and penetrate into the...

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Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, part 1

Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, part 1

Transcription de la visioconférence, Tawhid (Unicité) à la lumière de Heartfulness, du dimanche 17 mai 2020, première partie. A l’occasion du Ramadan, Théophile l’Ancien aborde l’Unicité, ou Tawhid à travers la mystique soufie Comment je me suis intéressé au soufisme...

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Tawhïd (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulness

Tawhïd (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulness

ThemeResearch on the divine science Video de la visioconference Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulnessof 17 may 2020Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of HeartfulnessHighlighting the links between what is developed by Islam in the Quran on Oneness, and the teaching...

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Deepening 7- The Mystics

Deepening 7- The Mystics

The Mystics [...] The farther we go, the less we exist there. The farther we go, the less practices are required, and the more things go in the way of God. Our good fortune has given us saints, mystics and Masters, who have been there for immemorial times, who are a...

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Deepening 6- The spiritual dimension

Deepening 6- The spiritual dimension

La dimension spirituelle [...] La quête spirituelle c’est vraiment la conquête de notre cœur pour commencer par Dieu avec l’aide de nos Maîtres. Après, une fois arrivés à ce niveau, la quête continue. On ne peut plus en parler...

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Deepening 5- Surrender

Deepening 5- Surrender

Surrender [...] That is what submitting, surrendering to the Master is all about: we give away our hearts, our egos and everything to Him. And once that has become possible, it all ends with the ego having completely retreated. We say that we have realized our...

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Deepening 4- The journey of the soul

Deepening 4- The journey of the soul

The journey of the soul [...] To that purpose, appropriate steps have to be taken. There are different levels in the depths of the heart, a first and superficial one, and a deeper level: the level of the soul. Then will start the journey of the soul through various...

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Deepening 3- Role of the Master

Deepening 3- Role of the Master

Role of the Master [...] Here is where a Master is required, just as we need a father and a mother who will educate us and accompany our growing into adulthood. A Master will guide us until we become spiritual adults and are directly connected with God. Meanwhile, we...

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Deepening 2- Receive the transmission: a purified heart

Deepening 2- Receive the transmission: a purified heart

Receive the transmission: a purified heart [...] What is the best way and what are the conditions for us to be in a position to   receive that transmission? When we have purified our selves, hence the cleaning practices the various ways available propose. However, the...

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Deepening 1- The quality of a Master

Deepening 1- The quality of a Master

The quality of a Master [...] What is a Master valued for? A Master’s worth is his capacity to merge into God and to no longer exist. Here again, that can be found in our spiritual traditions: fana (in Sufism), self-annihilation (among Christians), pralaya (for Yogis...

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Transmission and Masters

Transmission and Masters

Transcription de la visioconférence du 4 avril 2020.The notion of transmission can be found in many spiritual traditions, where it is known under different names: transmission, baraka or grace. Whatever the name it may be given, all these traditions agree that it...

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Seeking God’s love in each and everyone, in everything

Seeking God’s love in each and everyone, in everything

Love will automatically resonate with love wherever it may be seen. We’ve all have had the opportunity to be loved. Such acknowledged love will always engage the love we host and allow its manifestation. We should be grateful to all those who inspired or requested...

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Finding Love…

Finding Love…

Though having a direct cognizance of God is no easy matter, we have the possibility to recognize His manifestation. His first manifestation, the greatest and the most beautiful one, is Love. Let us look for that love within ourselves, within our hearts, and at the...

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Infinite Love

Infinite Love

Rather than trying to divert God’s love, let us be aware of it. That will make us very happy. Instead of wanting to be loved whenever we wish, let us love infinitely whatever comes our way. Recognizing God’s presence is something we can unconsciously and quite...

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This concludes Theophile the Younger’s initiation. His friend and mentor, Theophile the Elder, has done his duty: taking Theophile to God. Does it mean his evolution has been completed? No, it certainly does not. Such a completion is also a beginning. Henceforth,...

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The river and the Ocean

The river and the Ocean

Theo. – There is a notion I can’t integrate easily: the notion of laya-avasta. You told me that it is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Christian mystics’ annihilation and of the Sufis’ fana. It is easy for me to experience laya-avasta when I am absorbed in a deep...

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Reading condition: bringing resonance about

Reading condition: bringing resonance about

Transmission and resonance Theo. – We have largely discussed working in resonance, and I thought that our trainers could use it for reading conditions. The Elder – That’s right, yet there are two different ways of doing it. The first one consists in using yogic...

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God’s eye view

God’s eye view

It was the first time Theophile the Younger meditated since his latest experience. On that day, the Elder had guided him until he could attain the state of surrendering to the Lord’s heart through the Master’s heart.  Theo’s practice has helped him develop his inner...

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Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Théo. – Cela fait maintenant plus de trois ans que nous échangeons. J’aimerais savoir ce qui, pour toi, est le plus important. L’ancien répond sans hésiter :– Donner son cœur au Seigneur. Théo. – Et c’est tout ? L’Ancien. – C’est « Tout ». Théo garde un silence...

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Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Theo. – A great number of people say that they work on the chakras. What would you say about it? The Elder – As you may have observed, the chakras are to be found on several planes. Each chakra has an impact both on a nervous plexus connected to our organs, and on the...

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Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

The Elder – In the mandala representing anahata-chakra, an animal symbol is also associated with the heart: the antelope. Antelopes have powerful legs that are built for speed, but they are also very sensitive and delicate animals that have to remain vigilant all day...

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Anahata-chakra, part 2, The disciple’s realization

Anahata-chakra, part 2, The disciple’s realization

The Elder – Let’s come back to the Heart chakra as a symbol. The twelve petals Anahata is made of correspond to the twelve qualities of the heart. An open bright heart will naturally produce Love, joy, peace, bliss, clarity, purity, compassion, understanding,...

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Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Chakra, in the human system, are often described as playing the role of centres where energy is concentrated. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras: the root chakra, located at the base of the spine - the sacral chakra, located below the navel - the solar...

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Great Beings

Great Beings

Theo. – Last time you evoked the Great Beings who guide and accompany us through our journey to the Ultimate. You called them couriers for the souls. The Sufis mention the Masters of Wisdom governing the world. Many of them are said to live in the Himalayas. I found...

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Some couriers for our souls

Some couriers for our souls

Theo. – As I understand it, any seeker, whether an aspirant or a disciple, may at any time join the Ultimate through his Master's divine heart? The Elder – That's it! The Master's heart is just as a gate opening onto eternity, and as I usually say to you, the best key...

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The role of the Masters

The role of the Masters

Theo. – When you told me I should rely on my inner Master, I had several options in mind: the heart and its source of light, the Master, or the Inner Master. As for you, you generally evoke the Master, the Lord or God. How to decide? Whom should I choose? The Elder –...

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An instant of confusion

An instant of confusion

On that afternoon, Theo was in a surly disposition when he arrived. The Elder said nothing and waited patiently as his friend was keeping his hands - and heart - warm with a cup of tea. Theo. – At times I feel so keen to achieve better outcomes that it makes me...

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The secret of humility

The secret of humility

Theo. – You claim that only experience will let you grasp Reality. The Elder – Yes indeed! Reflection comes later, thanks to the being's higher consciousness. Through meditation, you seek to create a propitious environment within yourself, so as to make the whole...

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Theo. – I'll need some clarifications from you. We are now exploring the benefits of constant remembrance. How do you associate it with forgetfulness? The Elder – They are in fact two fellow travellers. Our quest is for the Ultimate, for God within our hearts. To be...

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Masters of the Future

Masters of the Future

Theo. – We have often approached the concept of time or of abolishing time, but I would like to know what the expression "Masters come from the future" means. The Elder – Masters bring in solutions to the future of humanity; they go back in time and come to meet and...

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Void: the centre of everything

Void: the centre of everything

Theo. – Scientists are currently discovering that energy comes from a vacuum. It makes me think of the Taoists who hold that their heads are in heaven while their feet are on the Earth. They insist on the necessity to maintain a free flow of breaths and energy through...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 15, the points resonate

Theo becomes a trainer, part 15, the points resonate

Theo. – Last time, we talked about resonance, and today I would like to explore that theme a little further. Can I make use of resonance as soon as the cleaning job has been completed, for example? The Elder – Of course you can. That is why Daaji has made all his...

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Like an inner music…

Like an inner music…

Theo. – It is a relentless job... The Elder – It can be compared with the constant attention a mother or a father pays to their dear child. Parents will provide all the care and food appropriate for the child's age and maturity. Theo. – So, our first steps in the...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 14, at the heart of synchronicity

Theo becomes a trainer, part 14, at the heart of synchronicity

Resonance and synchronicity Theo. – You have evoked the process of synchronicity in spirituality, but could you please elaborate? In physics, resonance is a vibratory phenomenon now applied to all our new communication systems. There is also the experience Christian...

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From one dimension to the other

From one dimension to the other

Theo. – I have understood that practicing meditation, cleaning and the prayer in a proper way would automatically lead to constant remembrance, and also that I could directly start with constant remembrance, which is the quickest and the most direct way. The Elder –...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 13, moments of grace

Theo becomes a trainer, part 13, moments of grace

Theo. – I have understood that different stages mark out the way our yatra will gradually advance and how we have to go through each region. But you just told me that the divine Source itself is what really helps us, by meeting our soul and reabsorbing it. In such a...

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Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

The Elder – Here we are dealing with a more advanced stage. The lotus of the heart is oriented upwards in order to receive the grace. Theo. – Do you mean we have reached Point 4, the point of fire? The Elder – As a matter of fact, that point does not exist anymore. To...

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Good and Evil

Good and Evil

Having heard the bleak current news about the situation in the world, Theophile the Younger felt depressed and filled with doubt. Theo. – Evil in this world has always outraged and disgusted me and I have never been able to accept it. I vainly tried to understand. No...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 12, karma + vikarma = akarma

Theo becomes a trainer, part 12, karma + vikarma = akarma

Theo. – What did you learn with your meditation teacher when he allowed you to become a trainer? The Elder – The main thing I learnt was that I should always keep in my mind and in my heart what is the Goal of human life for the aspirant sitting opposite me. Theo...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 11, the cosmic region

Theo becomes a trainer, part 11, the cosmic region

Theo. – Can you elaborate on the dimension the soul will approach during the ‘motionless journey’ we evoked during our latest talk? The Elder – That dimension took place right before the supra-mental was created together with time and the original motion. That is the...

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Yoga, part 2, spiritual yatra

Yoga, part 2, spiritual yatra

Theo. – Last time, we have spoken about Patanjali’s Yoga, could you say more about it? The Elder – The eight limbs Patanjali described are to be considered as a whole, a whole that is as indivisible as the individual is. Yoga works on the three bodies and on the five...

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Yoga, part 1, raja-yoga

Yoga, part 1, raja-yoga

Theo. – There is much talk about yoga, these days, but it seems the talking covers many different practices, including ours. Could you please clarify what Yoga really means? The Elder – Like the Vedas, Yoga dates back to ages ago. At the time, the Rishis of Ancient...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 9, chakra and emotion

Theo becomes a trainer, part 9, chakra and emotion

The Elder – Today, I suggest we should clarify our emotional responses by better understanding the nature of a chakra. A chakra is multi-levelled. Theo. – Do you mean that chakras also have a physical level? Yet, they aren’t related to the physical body itself, are...

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Constant Remembrance

Constant Remembrance

That morning Theo was apparently determined to ask his friend about constant remembrance. Sitting back, the Elder looked at him attentively. Theo. – Today, I wish you could clarify for me a particular element in our spiritual practice, the one you call 'constant...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 6, being fair

Theo becomes a trainer, part 6, being fair

Theo. – I did my best to follow your advice and, when I meditated with my friend, I made no reference to the situation. I didn't even ask her where she was standing now with her family. I just proposed the usual weekly sitting. Yet, I can't help wondering whether she...

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How to deal with the anger one feels towards an enemy?

How to deal with the anger one feels towards an enemy?

That morning, Theo was very agitated. He had hardly sat down, facing his friend, that he started exposing his problem: – I have been developing intense anger all these years, due to a neighbour who had harmed my family and me. Hence I hate him and I can't help it. The...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 4, conducting meditation

Theo becomes a trainer, part 4, conducting meditation

Theo. I brooded over what you taught me last time and I understand perfectly how important it is for me to erase myself and leave room for the Divine within me. Yet, the fact of having to retreat completely is somehow disturbing to me: it makes me feel that I am like...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 3, Reading conditions

Theo becomes a trainer, part 3, Reading conditions

Theo. – I'd like to go further into the way we should welcome the newcomers who want to start meditation. The Elder. – You needn't know the persons who are in front of you. You just have to be responsive, both inwardly and outwardly. You could just start with asking...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 2, Serving

Theo becomes a trainer, part 2, Serving

Theo. – We have already talked about spiritual research and the difficulty to identify one's way. I'm interested in that, because I have noticed that the aspirants who come to see me are very confused about it. The Elder – They are searching for a meaning to their...

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Theo becomes a trainer, part 1, Yatra, a path of light

Theo becomes a trainer, part 1, Yatra, a path of light

As Theo had become a trainer, he asked the Elder to tell him more about that new mission he had been entrusted with: – How would you address that yatra, the new path the soul has to travel? The Elder – There are several ways to go through it. The greatest way, the one...

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Positive Psychology Part 5 – Positive Thought

Positive Psychology Part 5 – Positive Thought

Theo. – I have heard much talk about positive thought as a means to attract and obtain everything we can desire in our lives. Do you see in it any link with Positive Psychology? The Elder – Let us start with Positive Thought. The human beings have diverted the law of...

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Positive Psychology, part 4, Love, empathy and compassion

Positive Psychology, part 4, Love, empathy and compassion

Content Role of the Heart, Love and Empathy Empathy and Motherhood Empathy and Compassion Go to top Role of the Heart, Love and Empathy Theophile the Elder pursued his approach of Positive Psychology: –  To understand how compassion can take place, you must refer to...

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Positive Psychology, part 3, Empathy

Positive Psychology, part 3, Empathy

Content Heart to heart communication and empathy Emotional empathy, five points of the heart Go to top Heart to heart communication and empathy Theo. – I have observed the way you usually interview your patients. You always give the impression that you know all about...

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Positive Psychology, part 1, Self-Realization

Positive Psychology, part 1, Self-Realization

Theo. – In life, most people search for happiness. But happiness seems to be of a difficult and transient nature. Could we share on that topic? The Elder – All the difficulty lies in combining a whole set of factors, so that, as a human being, we may attain personal...

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Sufism – Part 3: The heart, a mirror of the world

Sufism – Part 3: The heart, a mirror of the world

Today, Theophile the Younger and his friend the Elder went to Malik's place, since Malik had invited the young man to pursue his approach to Sufism. As they were walking, the Elder explained: – Our friend is a Muslim, and his way, Sufism, has succeeded in integrating...

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Sufism – Part 2: The Universal Man

Sufism – Part 2: The Universal Man

That day, Theophile the Elder came with his friend Malik, whom he wanted to introduce to Theophile the Younger. The Elder – Meet my young friend Theophile, who is very interested in spiritual research, and who would like to go deeper into the issue of extinguishment,...

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Sufism – Part 1: Man as God’s mirror

Sufism – Part 1: Man as God’s mirror

Theo. – Jeanne told me about the Christian Way and she said you were going to introduce me to the Sufi Way. Can you say a few words about it? It is my understanding that we are very close to it. The Elder – We feel at one with all the Ways leading to God. Sufism is...

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Advanced Practice – Part 6: An impulse of Grace

Advanced Practice – Part 6: An impulse of Grace

Jeanne and Theo continued sharing experiences on the following day. Jeanne – Yesterday, you have experimented a gentle way to approach God. Theo. – The way I prefer, in fact. I enjoy feeling transmission and feeling that grace is flowing over me. I like that silence...

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Advanced Practice – Part 5: Oration

Advanced Practice – Part 5: Oration

Today, as promised, Theophile the Elder and his friend Jeanne are helping Theophile the Younger in his approach of the Advanced Practice. The Elder – Hello Theo! Here is Jeanne, a long-standing dear friend of mine. She has accepted to speak to you about the Advanced...

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Advanced Practice – Part 4: A non-practice

Advanced Practice – Part 4: A non-practice

Theo. – I would like to make a summary of all that you taught me last week, and thus make sure I have well understood what the different phases of that spiritual journey are. So, during the first years of our spiritual journey, the raja yogis that we are will fight...

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Advanced Practice – Part 3: The vertical

Advanced Practice – Part 3: The vertical

Theo. – After all you have explained concerning the advanced practice, I feel rather at a loss. I may be spiritually gifted, but I'm only a beginner. Did not you say I wouldn't cross the heart region before several years? So I'm just entering a period when I have to...

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Advanced Practice – Part 2: Be less to become more

Advanced Practice – Part 2: Be less to become more

The Elder continues: – As soon as your soul has entered the cosmic region (cf. second star in the esoteric symbol) and has transcended all the elements that constitute the manifested dimension (earth, water, fire and ethereal air: i.e. the first star), it breaks free...

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Advanced Practice – Part 1: Become what you are

Advanced Practice – Part 1: Become what you are

The Younger – Will I have to practice meditation, cleaning, prayer and constant remembrance all my life? – You have just started and you already want to stop? the Elder asks jokingly. Theo. – I like practicing, and I particularly appreciate the unique benefits I get...

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Three levels of liberation, part 2 – Universal Man

Three levels of liberation, part 2 – Universal Man

Theo. – I can understand, as far as it concerns an ordinary man, but what about the 'extraordinary' man, the one who has reached the first level of liberation? The Elder – He becomes aware of his universality and of all the powers finally available to him. Theo. – So,...

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The devotee’s condition

The devotee’s condition

What is a devotee, his spiritual condition, his relation to the Divine to others?  Theophile reveals the transformation and the new perception of he who has totally surrendered and has realized God within himself. "He who has realized God is not only devoid of hatred...

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Equanimity and bhakti-yoga (yoga devotion)

Equanimity and bhakti-yoga (yoga devotion)

Theo. – Today, I would like to further study the subject of the yoga of devotion, the one you call Bhakti-Yoga. The Elder – The key to bhakti-yoga lies in equanimity, a subject we studied last time. Devotees are, first and foremost, naturally sensitive, and very...

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Equanimity, importance of the Presence

Equanimity, importance of the Presence

Theo. – Last time, you explained that we had to maintain that state of equanimity within ourselves. But you will accept, I guess, that sometimes such a balance may be affected, won't you? The Elder – And then be restored, of course, by returning to the Presence. Theo....

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Theo. – There are so many aspects to be mastered in our lives that sometimes I don't know how to deal with it. The Elder – It all begins with the heart, and it all ends with the heart. Theo. – That's a good start! It sounds like a Japanese koan. Once again, you don't...

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Worship the Lord – Bhagavad Gita, Book XII, verse 13-19

Worship the Lord – Bhagavad Gita, Book XII, verse 13-19

In this couplet (sloka) from the Bhagavad Gita, Book 12, verses 13-19, Lord Krishna states which qualities will lead his beloved devotee (bhakta) towards perfection. Through a comment of that beautiful sloka, Theophile the Elder offers a few tips for progressing on...

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Understanding the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

Understanding the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita

Here, Theophile the Elder calls on us to understand the symbolism of the Bhagavad Gita and to relate it to our own difficulties. The dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna is a sacred and symbolical teaching that will shed some light onto our current life. This epic...

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The Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Beloved) – Presentation

The Bhagavad Gita (The Song of the Beloved) – Presentation

 The Gita comprises eighteen chapters. That genuine teaching of Raja-Yoga is at once a science and an art that explains how each individual soul is connected to God (the Self). The dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna: its historical context It is divided into...

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The soul’s choice and a mastered ego

The soul’s choice and a mastered ego

Content The Soul's choice and a mastered ego, part 1, the Soul at the Earth school The Soul's choice and a mastered ego, part 2, how to tame one's ego The Soul's choice and a mastered ego, part 3, releasing space within one self The Soul's choice and a mastered ego,...

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Dreading Death

Dreading Death

Theo. – How is it that you have never been afraid of death? The Elder – I don't know. It was just the way I felt. Theo. – You must have thought about it, though? The Elder – For me, death is a fact, just like the fact that God exists. I believe it. It is by no means...

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Childhood, part 2

Childhood, part 2

Theo. - Last time, when you spoke about your spiritual quest, didn't you tell me that you had met Shri Ram Chandra? Were you in quest of an Indian Master? The Elder - No! I was in search of God, inwardly, concretely, through my own experience. Theo. - What made you...

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Childhood, part 1

Childhood, part 1

Theo. – What can we do to help a child spiritually? The Elder. – First of all, we must be aware that we are welcoming a soul and recognize it as a heart-to-heart communication, as a soul whose destiny has to be respected, without interfering, and just accompany it on...

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With Mary

With Mary

On a hot July day, when the heat tempers and makes way for the evening breeze, that is the moment Theophile the Elder will choose to visit his old friends Abel and Mary. Today, as Abel was still resting in a room next door, Mary welcomed him and they sat down for a...

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Old age and its benefits, detachment and union with God

Old age and its benefits, detachment and union with God

The coolness of his room is where Theophile the Elder welcomed Abel in order to evoke the memories they share. Abel – And I could not find it! Today I understood we shouldn't look for anything but just surrender to God in a natural way. The Elder – So, have you found...

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A mystical prayer with Abel

A mystical prayer with Abel

As usual, Theophile came to spend a moment with his friend Abel,at the end of the afternoon, at a time when the heat is less intense. Theophile the Elder (teasingly): – From our previous discussions I gathered that age had you turn more and more towards mysticism. You...

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Ageing, detachment and Love

Ageing, detachment and Love

The Elder – Good Morning! Abel. So, just like Teresa, you are now eighty years old. In India, you would belong to the one thousand moons group, those who have seen one thousand full moon nights pass. That moment is said to be the moment when all the cosmic doors will...

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The Flow, part 4, the optimal experience, the optimal being

The Flow, part 4, the optimal experience, the optimal being

Theo. – Could we return to the flow experience and take this approach further? I feel it allows access to one of the most spiritual states of being and, above all, to a way of life perfectly balanced between the material and the spiritual. The Buddhists think it...

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Death and meditation

Death and meditation

Content Death and meditation, part 1, dying to oneself Death and meditation, part 2, NDE revelations Death and meditation, part 3, consciousness: heart or brain? Death and meditation, part 1, dying to oneself – Some people say that with meditation, “we die before...

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Content Becoming a mother Motherhood, part 1, choosing his or her parents Motherhood, part 2, pregnancy and environment Motherhood, part 3, choosing one's destiny Becoming a mother Today, Elea seems to be upset: – You look worried and tired, Theophile the Elder says...

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Theophile the Younger came back from a weekend during which he could listen to and meet the spiritual guide Kamlesh Patel. He was very enthusiastic when he approached his friend Theophile the Elder: – I have just listened again to Daaji's talks and it has increased...

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The esoteric symbol

The esoteric symbol

Content The esoteric symbol, part 1, a vision of the Infinite The esoteric symbol, part 2, attraction of the Centre The esoteric symbol, part 3, Pure Love and Simplicity The esoteric symbol, part 1, a vision of the Infinite – Could you please tell me more about the...

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The Flow, part 3, excellence

The Flow, part 3, excellence

Theo. – What I can't easily understand is the discrepancy between self–erasing, which is advocated by high spirituality, and excellence, which is attached to the personality, if not to the ego. The Elder – Utilizing your ego and your personality in the proper way is...

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Content Prayer of alpha to omega Prayer and offering Prayer and faith Prayer and the Word Sankalpa The way of love Prayer of alpha to omega – I think that I caught the importance of transmission, of cleaning-rejuvenation also, is there anything else which could help...

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The Flow, part 2, emotional intelligence

The Flow, part 2, emotional intelligence

Theo. – Last time, we brought up the SQ and IQ topic, the spiritual and intelligence quotients. Do you really believe that the scientists care for spirituality and meditation? The Elder – They started doing so about ten years ago. Nowadays, Mindfulness and...

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A Master

A Master

After the experience he had in the mountain, Theo would like to develop further the notion of having a Master. Theo. – Your friend Malik had really clarified for me the high spiritual competence of a Master of Wisdom, but the experience I've had in the mountain...

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Meeting a Sage

Meeting a Sage

The Elder took Theophile the Younger to a secret place, in the heart of the mountain, where they would meet a member of the Masters of the Wisdom Assembly. They walked silently for a long time, and finally reached a place hidden by thick bush and protected by some...

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Taoism, part 1, a benevolent neutrality

Taoism, part 1, a benevolent neutrality

Theophile the Younger decided to ponder over Taoism; he knew that the Elder was an expert in that domain. Theo. – I know you have taught Sahaj Marg meditation for over forty years, and you also taught Taoism to your students in traditional Chinese Energetics. Could...

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The five

The five

Content The five elements of the heart The five points of the heart The five elements of the heart   – I have now reached adulthood and I don't even know who I am. I feeI I have various roles to play, or that I am not really as it shows. Who am I, in my inmost...

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Masters of Wisdom

Masters of Wisdom

– Tell me about the Masters of Wisdom, please, Theophile the Younger asked. – They are higher souls from he Hierarchy of Masters. Such Masters are both on Earth and in the cosmic region. Some of them embodied down here to guide the human beings, others are able to...

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Inner observation

Inner observation

– Good morning, Theophile. Today, I'd like to ask you a question: How about assessing my practice, the way I meditate? I know many persons who say: "I have been practicing for quite a long time and I don't even know where I stand, what is really happening ..." What...

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The Flow, part 1, IQ, EQ, SQ

The Flow, part 1, IQ, EQ, SQ

Theo. – We have been sharing several times now on the Advanced Practice and on the being's divinization. Today, I'd like to talk about human nature, its qualities and its potentialities. The Elder – When I am connected to the divine essence, I get enthusiastic and I...

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About communication from heart to heart

About communication from heart to heart

– Today, starts Theophile the Younger, I would like you to talk about communication. In today’s Internet and mobile phones time, it seems out of step, but I know that you master a completely different way of communication; you practice it so often with me. Would you...

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The Source and the Goal

The Source and the Goal

– Today, the question I want to ask is a practical and philosophical one, Theophile the Younger announces very seriously. Spiritual paths, as well as religions, hold forth that we shall return to the Source, for the ones, or to God, for the others. As for me, I'd...

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Put to the test

Put to the test

– Could you please tell me more about that notion of the Masters putting a disciple to the test during his spiritual evolution. If the Master is all love, why should He have to test his disciple sometimes even very sorely? Theophile the Younger asks. – Two aspects of...

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Conversations with Teresa

Conversations with Teresa

Theophile the Elder pays a visit to his very old friend. Teresa's mind is as lively as usual but her body is not so quick now. – I am so happy to see you, she says. So much ground has been covered, since your childhood! As for me, I can feel my body betrays me. What...

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Our soul mate

Our soul mate

Theophile the Younger looked preoccupied. – You have told me about heart to heart communication. But what about the relationship with one's soul mate? I'd like so much to make a success of my married life and lead a harmonious family life. – What I mentioned relating...

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How difficult is it to meditate?

How difficult is it to meditate?

– Today, I'd like to express some doubts I have, Theophile the Younger said. When I am with you, everything seems so easy; I readily plunge into the heart and I don't find it hard to meditate. But when I am by myself, it is completely different. Thoughts won't keep...

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A friendly Relationship

A friendly Relationship

That morning Theophile the Younger looked worried: – I find that human relationships are very complicated. Take friendship, for instance. It usually starts with a great impulse, but over the years, the relationship will often come apart. Theophile the Elder looked at...

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The Centre – the mistery of the central point

The Centre – the mistery of the central point

There is always a centre in everything that exists. It is neutral. It does not directly affect the object or the person of which or whom it is the centre. A centre is nothing in itself, yet it is omnipresent. It is the cohesive factor of what it is the centre of. It...

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The drop and the Ocean

The drop and the Ocean

"But you can pick up pearls only when you dive deep into the Ocean." Ram Chandra – Yesterday, I became aware of the futility of some deeds of mine, aware of my own unimportance. I realized how little I was, and that wisp of humility comforted me. The drop in the Ocean...

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The egregore

The egregore

Today, Theophile the Younger challenges the Elder. – What is the purpose of group meditation? When I meditate by myself, I feel the transmission very well, why gathering such as in Lyon where the three thousand people of yours were coming from all over Europe? Which...

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Love and meditation

Love and meditation

Love and meditation – Tell me more about meditation. What should one do after having meditated? asks Theophile the Younger. – One should never abruptly cut meditation. When back from the depths of the heart, one is delighted with this spiritual atmosphere. It is made...

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The inner observer

The inner observer

Theophile the Younger went on asking the Elder about the Lyon seminar: – Please tell me something about the talk you gave on the inner journey. How did it go? – Spiritually speaking, I am quite satisfied.  As for the rest, it's only a matter of words ... – How is...

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The qualities of the heart

The qualities of the heart

Theophile the Elder was back from Lyon where an international seminar about meditation took place. – So, what was it like? What have you done there? Theophile the Younger asked. – I was with Kamlesh Bhai. He gave us some deep and beautiful meditations. He also spoke...

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