

Theo. – I’ll need some clarifications from you. We are now exploring the benefits of constant remembrance. How do you associate it with forgetfulness? The Elder – They are in fact two fellow travellers. Our quest is for the Ultimate, for God within our hearts....
Like an inner music…

Like an inner music…

Theo. – It is a relentless job… The Elder – It can be compared with the constant attention a mother or a father pays to their dear child. Parents will provide all the care and food appropriate for the child’s age and maturity. Theo. – So, our first steps...
From one dimension to the other

From one dimension to the other

Theo. – I have understood that practicing meditation, cleaning and the prayer in a proper way would automatically lead to constant remembrance, and also that I could directly start with constant remembrance, which is the quickest and the most direct way. The Elder –...
Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

The Elder – Here we are dealing with a more advanced stage. The lotus of the heart is oriented upwards in order to receive the grace. Theo. – Do you mean we have reached Point 4, the point of fire? The Elder – As a matter of fact, that point does not exist anymore. To...
Yoga, part 2, spiritual yatra

Yoga, part 2, spiritual yatra

Theo. – Last time, we have spoken about Patanjali’s Yoga, could you say more about it? The Elder – The eight limbs Patanjali described are to be considered as a whole, a whole that is as indivisible as the individual is. Yoga works on the three bodies and on the five...
Constant Remembrance

Constant Remembrance

That morning Theo was apparently determined to ask his friend about constant remembrance. Sitting back, the Elder looked at him attentively. Theo. – Today, I wish you could clarify for me a particular element in our spiritual practice, the one you call ‘constant...
Sufism – Part 3: The heart, a mirror of the world

Sufism – Part 3: The heart, a mirror of the world

Today, Theophile the Younger and his friend the Elder went to Malik’s place, since Malik had invited the young man to pursue his approach to Sufism. As they were walking, the Elder explained: – Our friend is a Muslim, and his way, Sufism, has succeeded in...
Sufism – Part 2: The Universal Man

Sufism – Part 2: The Universal Man

That day, Theophile the Elder came with his friend Malik, whom he wanted to introduce to Theophile the Younger. The Elder – Meet my young friend Theophile, who is very interested in spiritual research, and who would like to go deeper into the issue of extinguishment,...