Conferences on The Heart in all his states

Conferences on The Heart in all his states

ThemeResearch on divine science Videos of the visioconferences The Heart in all his states of 2o june,  5 july and 14 november 2020 The Heart in all his states This conference takes us into the depths of the heart and allows us to experience its different levels....
The Heart in all its states

The Heart in all its states

Transcription of the visioconference The Heart in all its states, Saturday 20 june 2020.   Depths of the heart Last time I gave a lecture on uniqueness (tawhid) and this time I wanted to go a little more in the direction of the heart, the heart in all its states....
Seeking God’s love in each and everyone, in everything

Seeking God’s love in each and everyone, in everything

Love will automatically resonate with love wherever it may be seen. We’ve all have had the opportunity to be loved. Such acknowledged love will always engage the love we host and allow its manifestation. We should be grateful to all those who inspired or requested...
Finding Love…

Finding Love…

Though having a direct cognizance of God is no easy matter, we have the possibility to recognize His manifestation. His first manifestation, the greatest and the most beautiful one, is Love. Let us look for that love within ourselves, within our hearts, and at the...
Infinite Love

Infinite Love

Rather than trying to divert God’s love, let us be aware of it. That will make us very happy. Instead of wanting to be loved whenever we wish, let us love infinitely whatever comes our way. Recognizing God’s presence is something we can unconsciously and quite...
Great Beings

Great Beings

Theo. – Last time you evoked the Great Beings who guide and accompany us through our journey to the Ultimate. You called them couriers for the souls. The Sufis mention the Masters of Wisdom governing the world. Many of them are said to live in the Himalayas. I found...
Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

Raja-yoga or the Way of Love

The Elder – Here we are dealing with a more advanced stage. The lotus of the heart is oriented upwards in order to receive the grace. Theo. – Do you mean we have reached Point 4, the point of fire? The Elder – As a matter of fact, that point does not exist anymore. To...
How to deal with the anger one feels towards an enemy?

How to deal with the anger one feels towards an enemy?

That morning, Theo was very agitated. He had hardly sat down, facing his friend, that he started exposing his problem: – I have been developing intense anger all these years, due to a neighbour who had harmed my family and me. Hence I hate him and I can’t help...
Positive Psychology Part 5 – Positive Thought

Positive Psychology Part 5 – Positive Thought

Theo. – I have heard much talk about positive thought as a means to attract and obtain everything we can desire in our lives. Do you see in it any link with Positive Psychology? The Elder – Let us start with Positive Thought. The human beings have diverted the law of...