Receive the transmission: a purified heart

[…] What is the best way and what are the conditions for us to be in a position to   receive that transmission?

When we have purified our selves, hence the cleaning practices the various ways available propose. However, the emphasis has usually been put mainly on purifying the body, which is recommended before starting a practice; after it, devotees are also advised to purify their thoughts through chanting prayers, mantras or suras, which should help them attain a specific condition; but that is not enough.

In order to really receive God, directly, as the Masters say, we must be like Him.

That means being what He is, i.e. nothing, which is not easy.

‘Being nothing’: what does that mean for the human beings we are? How can we attain the state ‘Nothingness’ is?  […]

Excerpt of Transmission and Masters
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Let us read even further about the issue:

[…] The Elder – It requires your soul to accept that Master’s heart should take the place of your own heart so that the Lord may reside there.

Theo. – That is what Babuji used to call, “Giving one’s heart to the Master.”

The Elder – Indeed, and it is the first step. The second step is the thorough purification of your heart, so that the Lord may descend and abide there.

Theo. – I always had a feeling that there were subconscious obstacles within me and that cleaning samskaras would never be enough.

The Elder – Cleaning the heart is a must, on account of all the complexities and the impurities that have accumulated there and created grossness. Samskaras will go on feeding tendencies. All the work we have done so far was an unavoidable preparation.

Theo. – Sure, but that won’t affect the tendencies that are deeply anchored within us.

The Elder – These profound and constitutional tendencies are presented to the Lord deep into your heart; then, they will rise up through the central channel up to Him. There, the tendencies will be transcended and disappear into Him. […]

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[…] At first, he noticed that the divine light in his heart was getting more and more intense, and that it completely filled his inner space. That energy then began to unfold and radiate all around him. His heart became the infinite Ocean within which he could be totally immersed. He perceived a warm-hearted stream of love emitting a sort of indescribable joy (ananda) that spread over all the beings, over everything. He knew he could ask God for His help. His heart had become a sacred space within which his soul could interiorize.

For the first time ever, he felt he was totally free when in contact with the Lord, with His light and the heavenly vibration emerging from it. He felt he was blessed with the divine Presence, which would never leave him now, he knew it, and which would accompany him all along his life and his spiritual evolution. Theo had realized the sacred union with the Lord in his heart. He sensed that it was the very first step before the divine merging.  Plunging deeper and deeper into the depths of his heart, he perceived all the beauty of the creation, and he perceived Love, which was at once so infinite and so singular. Kindness and sympathy emerged from it continually.  […]

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