This concludes Theophile the Younger’s initiation. His friend and mentor, Theophile the Elder, has done his duty: taking Theophile to God.

Does it mean his evolution has been completed?

No, it certainly does not. Such a completion is also a beginning. Henceforth, Theophile the Younger is spiritually adult. He has been initiated into God. Real life begins at this stage in his evolution. His existence is now placed under the auspices of the Lord and he enjoys every moment of it. Everything is in its rightful place, and there is now no difference between the Elder and the Younger. Being ageless, navigating from the finite and God’s infinite, he is fully aware of the Frame and he fulfills the task assigned to him. Unruffled, he travels this world together with his brothers and sisters, being fully aware of both entirety and singularity.

Theophile discovers his new way of life through his being re-born in the Divine. He enjoys every instant of it, as such innocent and joyfully spontaneous blessed moments are supporting him. There is no need for him to know anything about his future or to refer to his past. The eternal Presence dwells in him. Though his existence has already been fulfilled, he now stands at the door of it, ready to start his working life and his family life and to take his rightful place in society.

For him, everything is the same, because he is in God, guided by the Lord with every one and each breath of life and in whatever he does, which makes his life a wonder filled with all the gifts he receives and redistributes, keeping nothing at all for himself: being empty of his self, he is full of that divine benevolence he shares with all and everyone. Theophile is a young aged person who bears at once the innocence of youth and the profound wisdom of the elders.

He owns nothing and is not owned by anything but God’s love that goes through him and radiates up to the infinite of the Frame. He is the Alpha and the Omega, but above all, he is a young man at the dawn of his life.

–  So, that is the end of it, isn’t it?, Theophile the Younger asked.

–  That is where it all begins…, the Elder answered.

Theophile the Elder
An excerpt from Dialogs with Theophile the Elder
Theophile the Younger’s initiation