
[…] That is what submitting, surrendering to the Master is all about: we give away our hearts, our egos and everything to Him. And once that has become possible, it all ends with the ego having completely retreated. We say that we have realized our merging with God, or with the Master, which is about the same in the way the Master has entirely surrendered and merged into God (fana, pralaya). Though he is incarnated, he does not exist anymore, his soul has been dissolved, totally dissolved. […]

Excerpt of Transmission and Masters
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Let us read even further about the issue:

[…] The Elder – You fight your ego, but through the ego, you fight your mind, and through the mind, you fight the intellect and the consciousness the mind has created.

Theo. – It is a very heroic approach indeed.

The Elder – It is a way that leads to a real humility, once you have realized how powerless you are. The more knowledge you acquire, the more you realize how ignorant you are. The more powers you acquire, the more you discover there is a higher power. You know that your subconscious is vast and that you will never be able to manage it. You have a glimpse of the dimensions of your supra-consciousness. Then you are both amazed and overwhelmed.

Theo. – That is the moment when you accept to be guided by a realized Master, when you humbly surrender to him and trust him in that impossible quest the quest for God can be.

The Elder – Absolutely! There, you have to understand it is not about submitting in a warlike way. It is more than surrendering oneself. You have to give your self out of love and within love. No effort required. You can do it as naturally as the baby who surrenders itself to its mother’s arms. It is not even aware of its being in a supreme state of wellbeing then. It does not ask any questions, you see! That’s my idea of what devotion is like. […]

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[…] People would say that such a man loves God exclusively. Is it true if, actually, he sees God in everything and in everyone? What has he renounced but himself, in order to get the entire Lord in return? His conscience is in God and it is divine. We say of such a man that he is established in God and that God is established in him and will dwell in him forever. Such a man is called a devotee. What we do know is that he is dear to the Lord, who sees Himself in him. He is no longer God’s creature, for he is God Himself.

Some might say that he is self-centred. Then, what does the ego do when it is centred on the infinite love of a God who is Nothing and All? If his ego still exists, it is awed by God’s love and all his attributes are in tune with nature, his nature. It is Purusha’s and Prakiti’s wedding. The devotee’s human nature has been captivated too; some people might say that he has submitted.  But can it be called submission when love is in there? Using the term abandon would put it mildly when there is a fusion with the Beloved, who is nothing more than the very Source of an infinite, eternal and omnipresent love. […]

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