Deepening 1- The quality of a Master

Deepening 1- The quality of a Master

The quality of a Master […] What is a Master valued for? A Master’s worth is his capacity to merge into God and to no longer exist. Here again, that can be found in our spiritual traditions: fana (in Sufism), self-annihilation (among Christians), pralaya (for...
The river and the Ocean

The river and the Ocean

Theo. – There is a notion I can’t integrate easily: the notion of laya-avasta. You told me that it is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Christian mystics’ annihilation and of the Sufis’ fana. It is easy for me to experience laya-avasta when I am absorbed in a deep...
Reading condition: bringing resonance about

Reading condition: bringing resonance about

Transmission and resonance Theo. – We have largely discussed working in resonance, and I thought that our trainers could use it for reading conditions. The Elder – That’s right, yet there are two different ways of doing it. The first one consists in using yogic...
Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Theo. – We have been sharing views for more than three years now. I’d like to know what matters most, for you. The Elder answered readily: – Giving one’s heart to the Lord. Theo. – And that’s all? The Elder – That is “All”. Theo remained deeply silent, and the Elder...
Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Theo. – A great number of people say that they work on the chakras. What would you say about it? The Elder – As you may have observed, the chakras are to be found on several planes. Each chakra has an impact both on a nervous plexus connected to our organs, and on the...
Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

The Elder – In the mandala representing anahata-chakra, an animal symbol is also associated with the heart: the antelope. Antelopes have powerful legs that are built for speed, but they are also very sensitive and delicate animals that have to remain vigilant all day...
Anahata-chakra, part 2, The disciple’s realization

Anahata-chakra, part 2, The disciple’s realization

The Elder – Let’s come back to the Heart chakra as a symbol. The twelve petals Anahata is made of correspond to the twelve qualities of the heart. An open bright heart will naturally produce Love, joy, peace, bliss, clarity, purity, compassion, understanding,...
Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Chakra, in the human system, are often described as playing the role of centres where energy is concentrated. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras: the root chakra, located at the base of the spine – the sacral chakra, located below the navel – the...
Some couriers for our souls

Some couriers for our souls

Theo. – As I understand it, any seeker, whether an aspirant or a disciple, may at any time join the Ultimate through his Master’s divine heart? The Elder – That’s it! The Master’s heart is just as a gate opening onto eternity, and as I usually say to...