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Research on divine science
Conferences on The Heart in all his states
ThemeResearch on divine science Videos of the visioconferences The Heart in all his states of 2o june, 5 july and 14 november 2020The Heart in all his statesThis conference takes us into the depths of the heart and allows us to experience its different levels. Embark...
Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, Part 2
Transcription of the visioconference, Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulness, Sunday 17 may 2020, second part.In Sufism, reference is made to qalb, the heart, and then to ruh, the mind, that will come in a second stage. As we advance and penetrate into the...
Tawhid (Oneness), in the light of Heartfulness, part 1
Transcription de la visioconférence, Tawhid (Unicité) à la lumière de Heartfulness, du dimanche 17 mai 2020, première partie. A l’occasion du Ramadan, Théophile l’Ancien aborde l’Unicité, ou Tawhid à travers la mystique soufie Comment je me suis intéressé au soufisme...
Tawhïd (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulness
ThemeResearch on the divine science Video de la visioconference Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of Heartfulnessof 17 may 2020Tawhid (Oneness) in the light of HeartfulnessHighlighting the links between what is developed by Islam in the Quran on Oneness, and the teaching...
Deepening 7- The Mystics
The Mystics [...] The farther we go, the less we exist there. The farther we go, the less practices are required, and the more things go in the way of God. Our good fortune has given us saints, mystics and Masters, who have been there for immemorial times, who are a...
Deepening 6- The spiritual dimension
La dimension spirituelle [...] La quête spirituelle c’est vraiment la conquête de notre cœur pour commencer par Dieu avec l’aide de nos Maîtres. Après, une fois arrivés à ce niveau, la quête continue. On ne peut plus en parler...
Deepening 5- Surrender
Surrender [...] That is what submitting, surrendering to the Master is all about: we give away our hearts, our egos and everything to Him. And once that has become possible, it all ends with the ego having completely retreated. We say that we have realized our...
Deepening 4- The journey of the soul
The journey of the soul [...] To that purpose, appropriate steps have to be taken. There are different levels in the depths of the heart, a first and superficial one, and a deeper level: the level of the soul. Then will start the journey of the soul through various...
Deepening 3- Role of the Master
Role of the Master [...] Here is where a Master is required, just as we need a father and a mother who will educate us and accompany our growing into adulthood. A Master will guide us until we become spiritual adults and are directly connected with God. Meanwhile, we...
Deepening 2- Receive the transmission: a purified heart
Receive the transmission: a purified heart [...] What is the best way and what are the conditions for us to be in a position to receive that transmission? When we have purified our selves, hence the cleaning practices the various ways available propose. However, the...
Deepening 1- The quality of a Master
The quality of a Master [...] What is a Master valued for? A Master’s worth is his capacity to merge into God and to no longer exist. Here again, that can be found in our spiritual traditions: fana (in Sufism), self-annihilation (among Christians), pralaya (for Yogis...
Transmission and Masters
Transcription de la visioconférence du 4 avril 2020.The notion of transmission can be found in many spiritual traditions, where it is known under different names: transmission, baraka or grace. Whatever the name it may be given, all these traditions agree that it...
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