Conferences on The Heart in all his states

Conferences on The Heart in all his states

ThemeResearch on divine science Videos of the visioconferences The Heart in all his states of 2o june,  5 july and 14 november 2020 The Heart in all his states This conference takes us into the depths of the heart and allows us to experience its different levels....
The Heart in all its states

The Heart in all its states

Transcription of the visioconference The Heart in all its states, Saturday 20 june 2020.   Depths of the heart Last time I gave a lecture on uniqueness (tawhid) and this time I wanted to go a little more in the direction of the heart, the heart in all its states....
The river and the Ocean (clip)

The river and the Ocean (clip)

The river’s consciousness has become oceanic. It is at once river, Ocean and streams… It is Water. Audio-visual editing based on the text The river and the Ocean. Original text        The river and the Ocean  ...


This concludes Theophile the Younger’s initiation. His friend and mentor, Theophile the Elder, has done his duty: taking Theophile to God. Does it mean his evolution has been completed? No, it certainly does not. Such a completion is also a beginning. Henceforth,...
The river and the Ocean

The river and the Ocean

Theo. – There is a notion I can’t integrate easily: the notion of laya-avasta. You told me that it is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Christian mystics’ annihilation and of the Sufis’ fana. It is easy for me to experience laya-avasta when I am absorbed in a deep...
God’s eye view

God’s eye view

It was the first time Theophile the Younger meditated since his latest experience. On that day, the Elder had guided him until he could attain the state of surrendering to the Lord’s heart through the Master’s heart.  Theo’s practice has helped him develop his inner...
Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Giving one’s heart to the Lord

Théo. – Cela fait maintenant plus de trois ans que nous échangeons. J’aimerais savoir ce qui, pour toi, est le plus important. L’ancien répond sans hésiter :– Donner son cœur au Seigneur. Théo. – Et c’est tout ? L’Ancien. – C’est « Tout ». Théo garde un silence...
Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Anahata-chakra, part 4, Working on the chakras

Theo. – A great number of people say that they work on the chakras. What would you say about it? The Elder – As you may have observed, the chakras are to be found on several planes. Each chakra has an impact both on a nervous plexus connected to our organs, and on the...
Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

The Elder – In the mandala representing anahata-chakra, an animal symbol is also associated with the heart: the antelope. Antelopes have powerful legs that are built for speed, but they are also very sensitive and delicate animals that have to remain vigilant all day...