The Mystics
[…] The farther we go, the less we exist there. The farther we go, the less practices are required, and the more things go in the way of God. Our good fortune has given us saints, mystics and Masters, who have been there for immemorial times, who are a manifestation of That, and who have known how to be His incarnation, His manifestation here below. Some of them have been able to write about it, some times through a poetic form. What a wonderful food for us is the fact of knowing they will always be there to accompany humankind through their having given way to God in all His glory. […]
Excerpt of Transmission and Masters
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Let us read even further about the issue:
[…] – Tell me about the Masters of Wisdom, please, Theophile the Younger asked.
– They are higher souls from he Hierarchy of Masters. Such Masters are both on Earth and in the cosmic region. Some of them embodied down here to guide the human beings, others are able to materialize or dematerialize at will. People rarely know them. For ages, they have been down here on a permanent mission. They are guardians and guides for the whole humankind.
– What do the Masters of Wisdom do? If they are supposed to be guiding and supervising humanity, they have not been very productive so far, have they?
– They are not leaders but only spiritual guides. They comply with the Divine law, which totally respects the free judgment of each individual. They never resort to enforcement and just make subtle benevolent suggestions we are free to accept or not. […]
The thirteen points of Sahaj Marg philosophy.
[…] Theo. – Last time you evoked the Great Beings who guide and accompany us through our journey to the Ultimate. You called them couriers for the souls. The Sufis mention the Masters of Wisdom governing the world. Many of them are said to live in the Himalayas. I found the same sort of information in the Kabbalah: there, they talk about the angels and archangels who are supposed to be in charge of worlds and dimensions, each of them being responsible for a sephirah. The Sephirot tree seems to correspond to the thirteen points and the three regions mentioned in the Sahaj Marg philosophy.
The Elder – There is a correlation, some connections between all the ways. Masters of Wisdom’s knowledge and initiations are similar. They only have been given different names, according to the various cultures, religions and periods. See the first chakra (point) of the heart, for instance: it is called malkut, in the Kabbalah, and Adam stands as a representation of it. With Dionysius the Areopagite, the Christians placed in it the archangels in charge of these worlds and dimensions. In the Rosicrucian fellowship they speak of Shambhala and Mount Kailash, where the Masters who rule the world reside. The Buddhists also mention Shambhala, and we can point to equivalences with the Devas and their worlds. […]