Role of the Master
[…] Here is where a Master is required, just as we need a father and a mother who will educate us and accompany our growing into adulthood. A Master will guide us until we become spiritual adults and are directly connected with God. Meanwhile, we do need our Master, his instructions and the model he represents for all of us.
What sort of model?
The spiritual model, what he is within himself. […]
Excerpt of Transmission and Masters
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Let us read even further about the issue:
[…] Theo. – What need of a Master do we have then?
The Elder – I’d rather say, “How does a Master work?” His work consists in withdrawing completely in order to make room for the Lord.
Theo. – So, who needs him?
The Elder – He is God’s perfect tool. The Lord uses his personality, his characteristics, to establish a contact, a relationship at the human level. That work may occur quite naturally at all the levels of the being.
Theo. – By resonating, is it?
The Elder – Among other means, yes! A Master will make use of every available tool, of all the means at his disposal to serve a disciple and help him/her to progress further along the Spiritual path. […]
[…] – You are going to meet my spiritual Master, the one who has always been guiding me on the path of Truth. He will answer a great many questions.
Both men bowed respectfully to an ageless man, a man whose apparent frailty was denied by the force he radiated.
The Sage – My warm greetings to you, he said in a soft clear voice, though he didn’t seem to have even spoken at all.
The Elder – Would you please accept to enlighten my young friend who has so many questions to ask concerning his destiny?
The Sage – Yes of course. We are brothers here, aren’t we?
Everything is according to God’s will. God permitting, we shall walk together through eternity. Human attachments are no longer relevant in our dimension. We are all linked together. We pay little attention to our respective identities, even though we are able to differentiate them. Love, His Love, unites us all. Our task consists in bringing the whole mankind to that dimension of Love. There is still much work to be done, but our patience is infinite, because at heart we can already perceive the moment when such a union will effectively emerge. The secret is in seeing all souls from God before they were created, at the moment when they set the Pact with the Lord; it also lies in knowing and stating that such an eternal bond, which is there in every divine creature, will soon be revealed in each of them. There is no rupture, but only a chain of continuity in Love. […]