Transcription of the visioconference The Heart in all its states, Saturday 20 june 2020. Depths of the heart Last time I gave a lecture on uniqueness (tawhid) and this time I wanted to go a little more in the direction of the heart, the heart in all its states....
It was the first time Theophile the Younger meditated since his latest experience. On that day, the Elder had guided him until he could attain the state of surrendering to the Lord’s heart through the Master’s heart. Theo’s practice has helped him develop his inner...
The Elder – In the mandala representing anahata-chakra, an animal symbol is also associated with the heart: the antelope. Antelopes have powerful legs that are built for speed, but they are also very sensitive and delicate animals that have to remain vigilant all day...
The Elder – Let’s come back to the Heart chakra as a symbol. The twelve petals Anahata is made of correspond to the twelve qualities of the heart. An open bright heart will naturally produce Love, joy, peace, bliss, clarity, purity, compassion, understanding,...
Chakra, in the human system, are often described as playing the role of centres where energy is concentrated. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras: the root chakra, located at the base of the spine – the sacral chakra, located below the navel – the...
How to achieve liberation? What different stages of liberation do we have to go through on the Initiation Path? How to approach Universality and achieve our union with the Divine? In this article, Theophile the Elder traces the soul’s progression towards perfection...
Theo. – Last time, we have spoken about Patanjali’s Yoga, could you say more about it? The Elder – The eight limbs Patanjali described are to be considered as a whole, a whole that is as indivisible as the individual is. Yoga works on the three bodies and on the five...
That morning Theo was apparently determined to ask his friend about constant remembrance. Sitting back, the Elder looked at him attentively. Theo. – Today, I wish you could clarify for me a particular element in our spiritual practice, the one you call ‘constant...
Content Heart to heart communication and empathy Emotional empathy, five points of the heart Go to top Heart to heart communication and empathy Theo. – I have observed the way you usually interview your patients. You always give the impression that you know all about...