Transcription of the visioconference The Heart in all its states, Saturday 20 june 2020. Depths of the heart Last time I gave a lecture on uniqueness (tawhid) and this time I wanted to go a little more in the direction of the heart, the heart in all its states....
Theo. – Scientists are currently discovering that energy comes from a vacuum. It makes me think of the Taoists who hold that their heads are in heaven while their feet are on the Earth. They insist on the necessity to maintain a free flow of breaths and energy through...
Theo. – Last time, we have spoken about Patanjali’s Yoga, could you say more about it? The Elder – The eight limbs Patanjali described are to be considered as a whole, a whole that is as indivisible as the individual is. Yoga works on the three bodies and on the five...
Theo. – Can you tell me something about liberation? I know it has to do with reincarnation. They say that once it has been liberated, the soul won’t have to start a new life on earth since it has completed its formation cycle at the school this earth is. The...
– Today, the question I want to ask is a practical and philosophical one, Theophile the Younger announces very seriously. Spiritual paths, as well as religions, hold forth that we shall return to the Source, for the ones, or to God, for the others. As for me,...
There is always a centre in everything that exists. It is neutral. It does not directly affect the object or the person of which or whom it is the centre. A centre is nothing in itself, yet it is omnipresent. It is the cohesive factor of what it is the centre of. It...