The Elder – Today, I suggest we should clarify our emotional responses by better understanding the nature of a chakra. A chakra is multi-levelled. Theo. – Do you mean that chakras also have a physical level? Yet, they aren’t related to the physical body itself, are they? The Elder – They have an effect on the nerve plexuses, which are located behind the spine and are connected to the brain. They also have an effect on the energy efficiency and an emotional impact too. Theo. – Like the five covers of the three bodies. The Elder – The three bodies are indicative. You could mention other functionally related covers. The five covers describe the incarnated body’s constitution and they have a conditional effect on its returning to the Ultimate. Theo. – Do you mean that these covers will dissolve themselves, at some time, when the soul is getting united to God for instance? The Elder – They are required during our incarnation and also for our spiritual evolution, and after they have been used properly, the Master can dissolve them one by one. Theo. – Everything that God has given us is needed and falls into place at the right time. The Elder – That is why the science of Yoga explains how these gifts from God operate and the proper use we should make of them. Theo. – Masters can control them all. As you explained to me, they travel the same spiritual path (yatra) twice, under the auspices of their own Master: once, as a disciple, more or less consciously, and the second time as future masters, fully conscious that they have to guide others along the path to the Ultimate. The Elder – They have reached Brahma-vidya, the divine knowledge. There are various levels of masters, of gurus… but that is another story. Let us come back to the chakras issue. You have understood that an unjust event such as the one we discussed previously can trigger a mental and emotional response. The impact is psychological, too, though in a more or less violent way. That is when most people will usually stop following, whereas they could live the event differently: frustration is there and it affects us, but we are ready to accept it and we totally surrender to the Lord. Theo. – It becomes a divine gift and an opportunity to be adjusted while solving the problem. Then we feel liberated, there is no impact on the brahmanda-mandal, at the level of point 8, and our submission to God still increases. The Elder – That’s right. You have remembered the process perfectly well. In such a case, you need not clean point 3, which is related to any annoyance due to the wrongs perceived, whether they are real or supposed. There is no frustration! At the next level, the negative intention is still perceived as such, but it just goes through us without a trace. Better still, when we are totally absorbed into the Lord, we are not even aware of the other person’s harmful purpose. I wish I could benefit from such an innocent blessed condition permanently… but it can still happen that I …. – It will happen with time! Theo interrupted mockingly. The Elder – I am still sensitive to its impact, particularly when it comes from a loved one who has access to my heart and my emotions. – So you too can be affected or hurt, Theo observed, as he was moved by the sadness he could perceive in the confidence the Elder had just shared with him. – The Elder – Of course I can. Theo. – How would you react, in that case? The Elder – Well! Here is the sort of attitude I try to adopt, then: once I have identified and accepted the situation, I immediately put the case in the Lord’s hands. Then point 8 gets illuminated, it vibrates and it all goes over to point 9, which allows a longer step towards love. And if I am truly blessed, I plunge into Him and forget all about the rest, including me. Theo. – What effect does it have on the heart region? The Elder – At that moment, I am in touch with Reality, and the illusion (maya) of a possible wrong has naturally melted away. Theo. – Which means that point 5 will then be harmonized, balanced. The Elder – Exactly, and it instantly has an effect on the water and fire points, which will then get in tune with one another. The frustration has disappeared completely. The point of the soul (point 2) is immediately restored and no desire to be loved, acknowledged or respected (point 1) will remain. Theo. – Love alone prevails. It comes from the heart and pours into the person who, with his/her harmful words, led you to gain such a blessed condition. It is a wonderful reversal of matters… The Elder – Actually, that blatant wickedness is nothing but a call for attention, a call for love. Theo. –In this regard, compassion and praying for the suffering person can be aroused. The Elder – So you see that any action put in the Lord’s hands (point 10) will take a different turn, for the benefit and the growth of all. Theo. – Now I can understand better why Babuji would say that we should accept miseries as coming from God for our own good and be thankful for them (maxim 5). In the end, the hazards of a life lived in this way will become mere development accelerators and Love attractors. The Elder – If you keep in mind that sort of attitude, your life will change. There won’t be any negative aspect anymore and everything will apparently make sense. Theo. –Even if you don’t understand what’s happening to you? The Elder – Sometimes, you’ll understand later, much later, but if in return it gives you an ineffable peace, then you won’t care for what it means. Theo. – I can imagine there comes a point where you need not even try to surrender. It will come systematically. The Elder – Your Inner Master, the Lord within you, will take charge of everything: the positive as well as the negative aspects of life, which are all there for your good. Theo. – Are you sure? The Elder – The formula is a very enthusiastic one, I agree. Let us say that, at best, you must try to accept all that happens to you in an equal manner, and if ever it is extremely tough, just consider that it comes from the Lord. Theo. – The ultimate weapon! The Elder – It is a secure haven, as Arjuna says in the Bhagavad Gita, when he feels very confused and says to his friend and guide Lord Krishna: “Lord, I take refuge in you; please enlighten me.” When a trial is really too tough for you, that request is your last resort. Theo. – Like when you taught me how to aim at the Master’s heart and then plunge into Him. The Elder – The same principle applies. It is an exceptional opportunity offered to us, and there is no other way but The Lord. Theo. – What if we fail to seize the opportunity? The Elder – You will have some more, many more opportunities. The Lord’s patience with us is infinite. To be continued…

Theophile the Elder An excerpt from Dialogues with Theophile the Elder Theophile the Younger’s initiation