Advanced practice
Sufism – Part 3: The heart, a mirror of the world
Today, Theophile the Younger and his friend the Elder went to Malik's place, since Malik had invited the young man to pursue his approach to Sufism. As they were walking, the Elder explained: – Our friend is a Muslim, and his way, Sufism, has succeeded in integrating...
Sufism – Part 2: The Universal Man
That day, Theophile the Elder came with his friend Malik, whom he wanted to introduce to Theophile the Younger. The Elder – Meet my young friend Theophile, who is very interested in spiritual research, and who would like to go deeper into the issue of extinguishment,...
Sufism – Part 1: Man as God’s mirror
Theo. – Jeanne told me about the Christian Way and she said you were going to introduce me to the Sufi Way. Can you say a few words about it? It is my understanding that we are very close to it. The Elder – We feel at one with all the Ways leading to God. Sufism is...
Advanced Practice – Part 6: An impulse of Grace
Jeanne and Theo continued sharing experiences on the following day. Jeanne – Yesterday, you have experimented a gentle way to approach God. Theo. – The way I prefer, in fact. I enjoy feeling transmission and feeling that grace is flowing over me. I like that silence...
Advanced Practice – Part 5: Oration
Today, as promised, Theophile the Elder and his friend Jeanne are helping Theophile the Younger in his approach of the Advanced Practice. The Elder – Hello Theo! Here is Jeanne, a long-standing dear friend of mine. She has accepted to speak to you about the Advanced...
Advanced Practice – Part 4: A non-practice
Theo. – I would like to make a summary of all that you taught me last week, and thus make sure I have well understood what the different phases of that spiritual journey are. So, during the first years of our spiritual journey, the raja yogis that we are will fight...
Advanced Practice – Part 3: The vertical
Theo. – After all you have explained concerning the advanced practice, I feel rather at a loss. I may be spiritually gifted, but I'm only a beginner. Did not you say I wouldn't cross the heart region before several years? So I'm just entering a period when I have to...
Advanced Practice – Part 2: Be less to become more
The Elder continues: – As soon as your soul has entered the cosmic region (cf. second star in the esoteric symbol) and has transcended all the elements that constitute the manifested dimension (earth, water, fire and ethereal air: i.e. the first star), it breaks free...
Advanced Practice – Part 1: Become what you are
The Younger – Will I have to practice meditation, cleaning, prayer and constant remembrance all my life? – You have just started and you already want to stop? the Elder asks jokingly. Theo. – I like practicing, and I particularly appreciate the unique benefits I get...
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