God’s eye view

God’s eye view

It was the first time Theophile the Younger meditated since his latest experience. On that day, the Elder had guided him until he could attain the state of surrendering to the Lord’s heart through the Master’s heart.  Theo’s practice has helped him develop his inner...
Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

Anahata-chakra, part 3, Antelope symbolism

The Elder – In the mandala representing anahata-chakra, an animal symbol is also associated with the heart: the antelope. Antelopes have powerful legs that are built for speed, but they are also very sensitive and delicate animals that have to remain vigilant all day...
Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Anahata-chakra, part 1, Realizing the Self

Chakra, in the human system, are often described as playing the role of centres where energy is concentrated. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras: the root chakra, located at the base of the spine – the sacral chakra, located below the navel – the...
Great Beings

Great Beings

Theo. – Last time you evoked the Great Beings who guide and accompany us through our journey to the Ultimate. You called them couriers for the souls. The Sufis mention the Masters of Wisdom governing the world. Many of them are said to live in the Himalayas. I found...
Liberation of the Soul or How to give God scope within one self

Liberation of the Soul or How to give God scope within one self

How to achieve liberation? What different stages of liberation do we have to go through on the Initiation Path? How to approach Universality and achieve our union with the Divine? In this article, Theophile the Elder traces the soul’s progression towards perfection...
Theo becomes a trainer, part 17, a good meditator, a good trainer

Theo becomes a trainer, part 17, a good meditator, a good trainer

Theo. – What matters most, according to you, to be a good meditator? The Elder – Zeal, enthusiasm! Theo. – Is it why you’d rather call a meditator an aspirant, instead of a practiser? The Elder – Practice, thanks to cleaning and transmission, is extremely effective,...
Theo becomes a trainer, part 14, at the heart of synchronicity

Theo becomes a trainer, part 14, at the heart of synchronicity

Resonance and synchronicity Theo. – You have evoked the process of synchronicity in spirituality, but could you please elaborate? In physics, resonance is a vibratory phenomenon now applied to all our new communication systems. There is also the experience Christian...
From one dimension to the other

From one dimension to the other

Theo. – I have understood that practicing meditation, cleaning and the prayer in a proper way would automatically lead to constant remembrance, and also that I could directly start with constant remembrance, which is the quickest and the most direct way. The Elder –...
Theo becomes a trainer, part 13, moments of grace

Theo becomes a trainer, part 13, moments of grace

Theo. – I have understood that different stages mark out the way our yatra will gradually advance and how we have to go through each region. But you just told me that the divine Source itself is what really helps us, by meeting our soul and reabsorbing it. In such a...