Though having a direct cognizance of God is no easy matter, we have the possibility to recognize His manifestation.
His first manifestation, the greatest and the most beautiful one, is Love. Let us look for that love within ourselves, within our hearts, and at the same time let us find Him in all the hearts and things around us. When resonating with Love, then we resonate with God even though we don’t know what God is or where He may abide; but it does not matter, because He is omnipresent. We just have to recognize Him once for a moment, be it in a human being or in a flower, in order to be connected to the infinite and sublime Love God’s Love is. Love is neither small nor great, it is just LOVE, and it is available as God’s Infinity. It resonates within our selves.
Such is the real, the divine and the godly life abiding within each and every one of us.
Theophile the Elder
An excerpt from Theophile’s journal