The Elder – Here we are dealing with a more advanced stage. The lotus of the heart is oriented upwards in order to receive the grace. Theo. – Do you mean we have reached Point 4, the point of fire? The Elder – As a matter of fact, that point does not exist anymore. To...
Having heard the bleak current news about the situation in the world, Theophile the Younger felt depressed and filled with doubt. Theo. – Evil in this world has always outraged and disgusted me and I have never been able to accept it. I vainly tried to understand. No...
Theo. – Last time, we have spoken about Patanjali’s Yoga, could you say more about it? The Elder – The eight limbs Patanjali described are to be considered as a whole, a whole that is as indivisible as the individual is. Yoga works on the three bodies and on the five...
That morning Theo was apparently determined to ask his friend about constant remembrance. Sitting back, the Elder looked at him attentively. Theo. – Today, I wish you could clarify for me a particular element in our spiritual practice, the one you call ‘constant...
Theo. I brooded over what you taught me last time and I understand perfectly how important it is for me to erase myself and leave room for the Divine within me. Yet, the fact of having to retreat completely is somehow disturbing to me: it makes me feel that I am like...
Theo. – We have already talked about spiritual research and the difficulty to identify one’s way. I’m interested in that, because I have noticed that the aspirants who come to see me are very confused about it. The Elder – They are searching for a meaning...
As Theo had become a trainer, he asked the Elder to tell him more about that new mission he had been entrusted with: – How would you address that yatra, the new path the soul has to travel? The Elder – There are several ways to go through it. The greatest way, the one...
Theo. – I have heard much talk about positive thought as a means to attract and obtain everything we can desire in our lives. Do you see in it any link with Positive Psychology? The Elder – Let us start with Positive Thought. The human beings have diverted the law of...
Content Role of the Heart, Love and Empathy Empathy and Motherhood Empathy and Compassion Go to top Role of the Heart, Love and Empathy Theophile the Elder pursued his approach of Positive Psychology: – To understand how compassion can take place, you must refer to...