Theo. – We have often approached the concept of time or of abolishing time, but I would like to know what the expression “Masters come from the future” means.
The Elder – Masters bring in solutions to the future of humanity; they go back in time and come to meet and help us.
Theo. – Does it mean that they travel backwards, sharing with us the burden of the past while hoping for a better future?
The Elder – Masters of Wisdom are no longer submitted to the past. They are free from all causes.
Theo. – Do you mean that they no longer have any samskaras or tendencies, and that they are free of any karma? It’s very tempting…
They Elder – They are also free of any temptation!
Theo. – Then what of the law of cause and effect?
The Elder – A Master of wisdom is an effect without a cause. Causes come from the past. So, for such a Master, only the eternal present does exist. That is why we can say that he is an effect without a cause.
Theo. – Would then God be the primary cause?
The Elder – God is the cause of the causes, the causeless cause that can produce all the effects.
Theo. – He is also the effectless Effect then, isn’t He? We could go far following that way, couldn’t we?
The Elder – Ad infinitum. The aim is to attain the famous unique flow Babuji used to talk about.
Theo. – Hence the need for Constant Remembrance. It’s becoming clearer now.
The Elder – Exactly! You have understood the Masters of Wisdom’s teachings properly: if you live in Constant Remembrance, past won’t have a grip on you; it will only have effects without any consequences on your being.
Theo. – Is that a sort of liberation?
The Elder – Yes! When we are immersed in time but bear none of its effects, we are at the second level of liberation: we are in union with God. It is God’s Realization. When we are beyond time, as all great Masters are, we have merged with God. Merging represents the third level of liberation, if you can remember what I have already explained (The three levels of liberation). It is what Zero is when compared with the One.
Theo. – Now tell me, why should the Masters have to come back and live with us after they have attained that high level?
The Elder – They willingly offer themselves to humankind. They are like vessels we are invited to board in order to return to the Source, to God.
Theo. – Does it take a long time?
The Elder – No more than an instant. God and only Him inhabits their interiority. The Masters welcome us with Love into their hearts.
Theo. – Hearts they have already offered to God!
The Elder – Hearts that have been totally offered and accepted. God dwells there permanently and forever, and from these offered hearts He can rule the human beings’ world.
Theo. – Why can’t we manage to stay and dwell in their hearts?
The Elder – That’s the problem. Some of us can do it straight away, but many others, like us, have to resort to the practice.
Theo. – Could you explain please?
The Elder – Thanks to our Master’s help, our hearts gradually become like his.
Theo. – Through purification and meditation, is it?
The Elder – Yes of course! It’s our part in the process; but above all, we prepare ourselves to welcoming the Lord’s Grace, the only one that operates.
Theo. – Do you mean that it can take either an instant or an eternity, depending on our capacity to attract His Grace?
The Elder – Grace will operate in and out of time, but a divine antenna is required for it.
Theo. – And the living Master is that antenna, is he?
The Elder – Somehow, that’s what he is indeed.
Theo. – If I have understood properly, the living Master’s heart has merged with the Ultimate, and what we are offered is the merging of our hearts with Master’s heart. Is it the reason why we are invited to develop Love and devotion to the Master?
The Elder – That’s a way to see it. In fact, we don’t do anything: Love, and only Love is what really operates. Then Grace can be poured into the aspirant’s heart. Grace can invest only the hearts that are totally pure.
Theo. – You are talking about hearts, but what of the persons themselves?
The Elder – Heart is the first stage where God’s love within man can be gained. Everything else will come out from it.
Theo. – I thought a person had to be perfect in order to attain that stage?
The Elder – Hadn’t you asked for shortcuts?
Theo. – I guess that if we had to achieve perfection, in fact, we…
The Elder – The aspirant’s heart will imbue and transform his or her entire being. That is the Way of Love, the Way of God’s Love for Humankind, the Way of the Masters’ Love for their spiritual sons or daughters.
Theophile the Elder
Excerpts from Dialogues with Theophile the Elder
Theophile the Younger’s initiation