Theo. – Can you elaborate on the dimension the soul will approach during the ‘motionless journey’ we evoked during our latest talk? The Elder – That dimension took place right before the supra-mental was created together with time and the original motion. That is the reason why Babuji has described God as the nameless, mindless and attribute-less Centre. He is the Absolute God, who revealed Himself to us and was called ‘The Creator’. It seems that God gave birth to Himself. Creation and humankind originated from His divine breath and mind thanks to the powers thus generated and then organized from subtle to gross. The chakras we are made of are a reflection of it. Theo. – They are what – with the help of pranahuti – we will purify and illuminate so as to give them back their original condition. The Elder – That is the reason why we say that God seeks for Himself in God. Theo. – In each and every one of us. The Elder – And there He will inexorably find Himself. Theo. – During the journey of the soul, we cross the various regions by going through the thirteen chakras. There, I think that the difficulties are important. The Elder – They won’t be important if you know the first principle: what belongs to the Source will produce all that is to follow, and what stands at the highest will govern all levels, the lowest ones included. The return journey consists in going through them, from 1 to 13, but the master, as for him, will constantly remain in touch (chakra N°13) and guide all the breaths and forces underlying evolution from chakra N°10. Theo. – The one located near the thousand-petalled lotus (Brahma) and that corresponds to the Realization of God, is it? The Elder – Yes! Only a person of this calibre can be considered as a master. He is actually said to master his Self. Only then can he guide the yatra of his aspirants and disciples. Theo. – Is it Him whom we address when we resort to our inner master? The Elder – The inner master fully resonates with the living master. Theo. – Can we feel that resonance? The Elder – When you feel that your inner master and your living master are one and the same person, then you know that you have become a disciple. Theo. – And I needn’t have a master any more, need I? The Elder – Such considerations won’t matter then, as you will pay no attention to what you are or are not. What is outside is similar to what is within you. Theo. – What does the disciple become? The Elder – Nothing, or practically nothing. That is what we call a master. He is merged with the Centre. There is no possible confusion. He is a unified whole, within and around him. Theo. –Then he won’t have to define himself through the eyes of others anymore in order to find what he really is. The Elder – He is a pure manifestation of God, in which you can either lose or find yourself, what amounts to the same thing. Theo. – You become like the master. He is both like a mirror for whoever will reflect in it and a reflection of God. That is more than self-forgetfulness. The Elder – A self-forgetfulness we call the Presence. To be continued…
Theophile the Elder An excerpt from Dialogues with Theophile the Elder Theophile the Younger’s initiation