Spiritual paths
Taoism – Chinese medecine
The Flow, part 2, emotional intelligence
Theo. – Last time, we brought up the SQ and IQ topic, the spiritual and intelligence quotients. Do you really believe that the scientists care for spirituality and meditation? The Elder – They started doing so about ten years ago. Nowadays, Mindfulness and...
Taoism, part 1, a benevolent neutrality
Theophile the Younger decided to ponder over Taoism; he knew that the Elder was an expert in that domain. Theo. – I know you have taught Sahaj Marg meditation for over forty years, and you also taught Taoism to your students in traditional Chinese Energetics. Could...
The Flow, part 1, IQ, EQ, SQ
Theo. – We have been sharing several times now on the Advanced Practice and on the being's divinization. Today, I'd like to talk about human nature, its qualities and its potentialities. The Elder – When I am connected to the divine essence, I get enthusiastic and I...
Our soul mate
Theophile the Younger looked preoccupied. – You have told me about heart to heart communication. But what about the relationship with one's soul mate? I'd like so much to make a success of my married life and lead a harmonious family life. – What I mentioned relating...