About this site
My proposal
On the Way with Theophile the Elder, why should this website have been created?
Its aim has been defined in our homepage as:
“An approach and understanding spiritual and human sciences
through personal experience
in order to change the ordinary human being we are into a realized human being.
A study and commentary on the laws governing our lives and our inner universe.”
Though I may use some sort of knowledge, knowledge is neither my goal nor a purpose for writing articles. First of all, I try to invite readers to look for the resources they carry within themselves. I’d like them to be solicited from within, as they read along the articles, and to experience and access what they really are. So I invite them to discover who they are and to find out their own potentialities.
“When acquired from outside, knowledge is far less efficient
than when it comes from within and is discovered by ourselves.”
In one of his talks, Kamlesh D.Patel has given the example of a hatching egg:
“If an external force breaks an egg shell, a life ends, naturally.
If an inner force breaks the eggshell, a new life begins.
Great things may come from within.”
Though it is ambitious, our objective reflects the spiritual quest of a lifetime, and what I propose is an approach to make the best possible use of the practical information and other exercises presented on the website.
I wish you will enjoy reading it and all the other articles to be shared there. With the idea of improving it, I invite you to feel free to share your comments with us by writing to theophilelancien@gmail.com or by using our General Contact form.
Theophile the Elder
Theophile the Elder suggests you should start with the two following articles: